Are There Any College or University-Affiliated Omaha Nebraska Communities?

The University of Nebraska (UNO, UNL, and UNK) is a system of higher education that serves the citizens of Nebraska through education, research, and outreach. UNO is the Metropolitan University of Nebraska, a university with strong academic values and meaningful relationships with its community that transform and improve lives. UNL is the flagship campus of the University of Nebraska system, providing first-class education to rural Nebraska and contributing to its economic growth. UNK is dedicated to preparing students for the workforce.

Meanwhile, UNMC Continuing Education is increasing the level of skills and knowledge among Nebraska health professionals, leading to better patient outcomes and community health. The University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) was established in 1880 as Omaha Medical School and joined the University of Nebraska in 1902. It has since become an integral part of the university system, providing quality education and healthcare services to the people of Omaha and beyond.